目前分類:2016 Sailing in Philippines 航行菲律賓 (8)

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從公主港小觀光回來歸隊後,艾瑞克船長告訴我小艇上的錨被偷了,是他太放心,把錨留在沙灘小艇上就出發去公主港,沒料到竟然被人摸走了!我們討論後,判斷這個沙灘上停的螃蟹船無法使用這個錨,太不夠力了!摸走的人可能會拿去賣,  但短期間還不會拿出來,錨應該還在村子裡!會議後決定隔天一早到村落進行尋錨任務!由我擔任小隊長與工作人員,我唯一會講的菲律賓語只有“Salamat po"謝謝,村落說大不大,但要從何著手,有點困難,艾瑞克船長從他的帆船雜誌剪下了遺失的錨長像,並懸賞1000peso,我們做了小海報,他拍拍我的肩膀預祝我尋錨成功!Hey! 艾瑞克!不是長得像菲律賓人就可以找到錨好嗎?


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The first thing on the to-do list today is carring water back to the boat . We made a deal with local people. One peso, one tank .Ahhh...carring water on the beach is really a tough job !今天工作清單上的首要工作就是取水回船上~




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We left "Sandfly beach" after my clumsy rowing practice in the bay.There was not much wind.We sailed slowly to the next stop,Port Barton.There were lots of pearl farms along two sides of islands .We had to keep watching before we sailed into our destination.Port Barton is a small sleepy beachside village at the edge of a rainforest in San Vicente Palawan which lies midway from Puerto Princesa going to El Nido, Palawan. It is a quieter, smaller, and more laid-back version of El Nido. The community was built on fishing and offshore pearl-farming, but tourism has gradually taken over as the primary source of income like El Nido. We arrived at Port Barton before sunset .



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After provisioning in food and drinking water in Liminangcong village,we kept sailing deeper into Malampaya sound area. It was a downwind sailing.We stopped in a little bay with a white sand beach ahead .It looked like paradise until my first encounter with sand flies...people called them nonos in French Polynesia and also very famous in NZ.

一早在Liminangcong小漁村完成補給蔬果,豬肉與飲用水後,我們航往Malampaya Sound這個狹長的海灣深處,一路順風航行,為避免順風航行可能遇到意外換舷時的危險,船長總指示船員要綁上這一個preventer!


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錨泊在Lagend Island當晚,來了一陣又一陣的強風,船像搖籃一樣搖著,其他人醒了好幾輪,船長還爬起來巡視錨泊狀況,只有我睡到不醒人事,慚愧...。



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在El Nido有許多法國人開的餐廳與商店,大約有上百個法國人在此落地生根。無怪乎Dustie稱El Nido是法國的第101省。但最好的餐廳當然是Dustie的花園party,有著濃濃台灣情誼。



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I got an angel in El Nido. Her name is Dustie Young. Since I decided to join Compay in El Nido, Palawan at the last minute , it was hard to get a domestic flight to get there directly.Luckily, Compay happened to anchor next to Dustie's boat in El Nido. She was so generous to give me all kinds of suggestions when traveling in Philippines. She is a diver and a sailor,running a sailing school with her life partner in El Nido.Without her help, I might be still stucked somewhere.Thank you, Dustie. You are really my Angel of El Nido.在最後一刻決定到El Nido加入乾杯號的跳島行,第一次到菲律賓的我在Dustie的指點下,順利搭上小飛機往El Nido飛去。她不但是潛水教練也和男朋友在此經營Palawan Sailing,閒暇時下田種菜養羊養雞,El Nido走到哪都有朋友,Dustie這位超酷的台灣女性,是我在愛妮朵的天使!

Fly to Philippines飛向菲律賓


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