目前分類:2015 Sailing in Japan夏日航行日本 (5)

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We met Tomoko when we passed by her cowshed which was a little bit far from the harbor.At that time, she just finished feeding the cubs. "I love my work on Takara island.Not rich ,but happy.I just finished my work today.Do you want to visit my secret beach ? I always go there for thinking after work."Tomoko said. We jumped on her truck and it led us to a present little trip on Takara island.The truck stopped near the light house . Tomoko walked to the fresh green grasslands toward the sea and called out " Haiyoooo..........try it, Eric and Lin! " Haiyo~~~~then we heard mooo moooo sound from the bushes. Then the next moment, we were surrounded by a lot of cows. " Moo Moo..." they cried. ".Sorry we didn't bring hay ...It was a very wonderful experiences for me . I guess the treasure on this island is friendship and the natural life. 經歷數日無風航行的煎熬,我們決定停靠吐噶喇列島南端的Takara jima 宝島休息一天,抵達宝島時,正好是中午時分,港內船隻三三兩兩,屈指可數,陽光灑在港內海面上,透出宛如祖母綠一般地青綠色,是讓人恨不得馬上跳下水游泳的誘人程度!




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pokaya 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

We brought a lot of bananas from Taiwan.It's one of my favorite food while sailing. When we arrived at Japan,the Japanese quarantine officer said " please eat all the bananas and keep the skins for me before Tuesday."Captain Eric decided to made a dessert out of bananas for our guests.. " It's French style.You're gonna love it." he said.

我們出發前往日本第一站石垣島前,從恆春市場補給了許多台灣香蕉,這也是航行時我愛的食物之一!一到日本CIQ時,日本檢疫官員說:請於週四前吃完你的香蕉,皮幫我留下,生要見蕉,死要見皮!Eric船長決定把剩下的香蕉都拿來做甜點招待上船的客人!他說是法式甜點:) 聽了口水就已經蠢蠢欲動了!



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