目前分類:Good speeches 好演講 (8)
- Sep 16 Sun 2012 11:19
James Cameron: Before Avatar ... a curious boy阿凡達之前...一個好奇的男孩
- Feb 26 Sun 2012 10:41
藝術家的五個生命Five lives of an artist by Raghava KK

藝術家 Raghava KK 擁有惹人喜愛的真誠及弱點,他講述一個富有色彩的故事 — 藝術如何帶領他的生命到達新的地方,生活的經歷如何反過來去領導作為藝術家的數個輪迴---從卡通插畫師到畫家,從媒體寵兒到社會遺棄者及從兒子到父親。人生的高低起伏,無論甘苦,都豐富了他的人生與創作!
他真誠坦白的分享,溫暖與感動人心!最後他提到一位早逝的生命曾對他說"Hey, Rags,thank you for the magic carpet ride around the world."謝謝你的魔毯帶我環遊世界!藝術與文字帶領人的想像飛向無國界的天空,令我十分感動!I would love to share this colorful and inspiring speech with you.:)
- Dec 13 Tue 2011 16:19
村上春樹的反核演講 陳炯霖譯
- Nov 27 Sun 2011 17:14
Louie Schwartzberg: Nature. Beauty. Gratitude.
Nature’s beauty can be easily missed -- but not through Louie Schwartzberg’s lens. His stunning time-lapse photography, accompanied by powerful words from Benedictine monk David Steindl-Rast, serves as a meditation on being grateful for every day.
- Dec 28 Tue 2010 07:30
克雷格.史東:一次保育一個島嶼來拯救海洋Greg Stone: Saving the ocean one island at a time
If we could see what happens in the ocean like what we can see on land,we would have promoted the ocean protection a lot earlier.But unfortunately,the ocean is opaque!(Greg Stone)
- Nov 17 Wed 2010 09:02
Tales of Passion--- 依莎貝‧艾蘭德 (Isabel Allende)分享熱情的故事
Isabel Allende is a Chilean writer and great story teller.According to Wikipedia,she has been called "the world’s most widely read Spanish-language author".Allende's novels are sometimes based upon her own personal experiences and often pay homage to the lives of women.In 2007,She discusses women, creativity, the definition of feminism -- and, of course, passion -- in TED's talk.It's so humorous ,witty and inspiring.When people do things with passion,it makes all the difference.
依莎貝‧艾蘭德是一個很棒的說故事者,在TED的演講中,她討論女性、創意、女權主義的定義並分享了許多女性勇敢面對生命,充滿熱情的故事。I like this speech a lot!
- Oct 05 Tue 2010 23:48
The danger of a single story 單面向故事的危險性
Our lives, our cultures, are composed of many overlapping stories. Novelist Chimamanda Adichie tells the story of how she found her authentic cultural voice -- and warns that if we hear only a single story about another person or country, we risk a critical misunderstanding.
我們的生活與文化充滿著各種故事,小說家Chimamanda Adichie分享她找到「真正的非洲聲音」,並提醒大家,如果對於某人某地,我們只有單一面向的故事,將會導致傷害人的偏見。(From TED )
- Jun 06 Sun 2010 08:11
TED---Ideas worth spreading 值得分享的好想法
TED is a small nonprofit devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading. It started out (in 1984) as a conference bringing together people from three worlds: Technology, Entertainment, Design. Since then its scope has become ever broader. We believe passionately in the power of ideas to change attitudes, lives and ultimately, the world. So we're building here a clearinghouse that offers free knowledge and inspiration from the world's most inspired thinkers, and also a community of curious souls to engage with ideas and each other.(節錄自TED網站)