Sunrise, Sunset.Sunrise, Sunset.Swiftly fly days,years.One season following another.Laden with happiness and tears.(from Captain Hiro)
在Fernando de Noronha待了一晚後,隔天繼續往加勒比海前進。離開前,Captain Hiro和Yuuki潛水到船底再次檢查ballast(壓艙物),ballast是一種裝載在船上的重物,可以改善行船時的穩定和平衡, 保持水平。兩個多月前,他們通過南非好望角後,發現ballast下與keel的連接處出現一道大裂縫,還好當時已經進港,否則後果堪虞!船長是學造船的,他們將船上架後,當起木工和修船工人,把船底裂縫給補起來。現在每次長途航行前,一定會檢查ballast,船長說,上次的修補工作很完善,我們可以安心往加勒比海前進。
After one night in Fernando de Noronha,my seasickness got better.Before starting off to the Caribbean Sea,Captain Hiro and Yuuki dived to check the bottom of the boat.
Two months ago,when they passed the Good Hope Cape,the huge waves and rough sea damaged the boat ballast.There was a crevice corrosion near the keel.The high speed flow caused the damage.They found it when they landed in Cape Town.Captain Hiro said they were very lucky to sail safely into the harbor.There must be some GREAT GODS take care of Yaima.Captain Hiro was a master of building boats so he fixed the problem with Yuuki and Max by themselves.Now they check the ballast before every long journey.
"Everything is fine on Yaima.Let's start off to the Caribbean Sea!"said Captain Hiro.
在船上,Yuuki,Max和我三個人輪流煮飯,船上四個人每人負責三小時的night watch(夜眺,夜巡)工作,由於我夜巡的時間是每天凌晨的四點到七點,所以早餐由我負責。平常白天,除了討論當天的天氣與航行問題外,大部份的時間就用來閱讀,聊天,看海,聽音樂,練習開船和玩board game!剛開始,風浪大時,我邊玩邊吐,吐完再回牌桌前大戰!有時看到海上的大浪,四個人還安然坐在船上玩牌,我會覺得很不可思議!
Yuuki,Max and I took turns to cook on Yaima.Every crew had to do the night watch job everyday.My night watching time was at 4 to 7 AM in the early morning so, of course, I saw a lot of beautiful sunrise on the sea.Cooking breakfast was my duty.While sailing on the sea,we read ,chatted,watched the seaview,listen to the music,practice driving(only me) and played BOARD GAMES.At the beginning,I played the board game with seasickness when the waves were huge.Sometimes I played and puked on the down wind side at the same time.I thought I must be crazy to play the board games with three guys on the open sea.But...we did it almost everyday.Max loved board game time the most.
一連好幾天,來自 A beam 的風,Yaima以她的最佳航速往西北方前進,船長滿意的說,"Rinko chan,你現在坐的可是開往加勒比海的新幹線喔!"
We got about 20 knots wind a couple more days.The speed of Yaima was about 8 knots.when passing the Amazon area,we got big winds and waves.Amazon river!It reminded me a Brazilian lady I met in the airport.She asked me if there was any beach which had SWEET seawater in Asia."Umm...the seawater is salty,isn't it? I never heard of sweet seawater in the world."I said to her."No!No!No!We have SWEET seawater in Brazil.You should try when you get to Brazil."I thought she was just bragging becouse she missed her homeland too much.When I mentioned this short story to Captain Hiro,he laughed and said"it might be true.Our Brazilian friends once told me that the salinity of the ocean is notably lower near the outlet area of the Amazon river due to the huge amount of freshwater entering the ocean.The seawater is not salty near the Amazon.Now we are near the river.You can taste it." I didn't taste it though.Is the seawater really sweet in Brazil ?
The wind was from beam side for a couple more days.Yaima got great speed proceeding to the North West."Rinko chan,you are on the high speed Shinkansen to the Caribbean Sea now!"said Captain Hiro.
- Mar 20 Sat 2010 00:37
The Shinkansen to the Caribbean Sea!開往加勒比海的新幹線