今年夏天的航行在澳洲的Townsville寫下句點。 下一次再見到Hiroshi san 和Yuuki大概是半年後了!離開前一晚,我問船長是否有話要對台灣帆友說,我可以錄下來帶回台灣。他聽了當晚很認真的寫起英文稿子來,石垣島和台灣的距離只有50海里,不到一天的航程,希望台灣和日本的帆友能多多交流,加深台灣和日本之間的情誼!這是來自前田船長對台灣帆友的問候!台灣~你好,明年基隆港見囉!
My summer sailing trip came to an end when we arrived at Townsville ,Australia.When I asked Hiroshi san if he had anything to say to Taiwanese sailing friends,he wrote an English manuscript by himself."I like Taiwan.There are only 50 miles between Taiwan and Ishigaki.We should keep wonderful relatioship to each other."said Hiroshi san.
In the open nature,we are just a very small part of a very large whole. When I look up to the starry sky at the dark night,feel the wind blowing on my face,see the color change of the clouds and have a warm and sincere encounter with friends from all over the world,it makes me fall in love of sailing again and again.:)
The sailing trip on Yaima has enriched my life and become one great part of me.When I think of it,there is always a smile on my face.I am thankful for Captain Maeda and sailors in Taiwan .Thank you for everything.

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