Roxanne said"I was sweeping the ever dropping mango leaves and bird poop on the lanai the other day, and feeling a bit cranky about it. Then I recalled that it is something I can't change at the moment, at least not without cutting down the tree. I love this big old tree - it's energy is amazing and sitting in the corner of three converging houses, it does an amazing job of maintaining the space. When garden-variety complaining is not moving you bac
k to understanding, try a One Minute Rant."
"Beach Walks with Rox"是一個我很喜歡的podcast節目,主持人Roxanne是一個熱愛大海,熱情開朗的女子,藉由她的podcast節目,Hawaii的碧海藍天,自然生態,平民小人物的生活點滴,盡入眼簾,這一集節目中提到她一直捨不得修剪院子裡那幾棵枝葉蓬勃的芒果樹,但不禁又對掃不完的落葉有些許無奈,直到有一天它的落葉已經造成鄰居小小的困擾時,只好痛下心來修剪它。沒想到修剪過後的芒果樹不但長出生意盎然的綠葉,還結出多年未見的果實來!Sometimes people have to let go so that new things can come and grow.Thank you,Roxanne!I am inspired by this episode.:)Mahalo~除此之外,Roxanne所漫步的海灘就是我最愛的Kailua Beach,細細的白沙,藍綠色的大海,悅耳的浪濤聲,清涼透澈的海水,真是美呆了。
- Oct 30 Tue 2007 16:27
The Mango Mess