Andrea Bocelli即將來台演唱,可惜門票飛也似地被搶購一空,只剩下一些高價位的貴賓座,唉!只怪自己動作慢了一步,現在只好聽CD看影片乾過癮了!這一首Miserere是Bocelli與另一位義大利搖滾歌手Zucchero一同演唱,Bocelli渾厚深情的男聲搭上Zucchero略帶沙啞滄桑的藍調味,真是太好聽了!
Miserere, miserere,
miserere, miserable me,
but I toast life!
what a mystery my life is,
what a mystery!
I am a sinner from the year
eighty thousand, a liar!
But where am I and what am I doing,
how do I live?
I live in the soul of the world
lost in the depths of life!
Miserere, miserable me,
but I toast life!
I am the saint who betrayed you
when you were alone.
I live elsewhere and observe the world from the sky
and I see the sea and the forests,
I see myself…
I live in the soul of the world
lost in the depths of life!
Miserere, miserable me,
but I toast life!
If there is a night dark enough
to hide me, hide me,
if there is a light, a hope,
magnificent sun that shines inside me,
give me the joy to live
that is not yet there.
Miserere, miserere,
that joy to live
that perhaps
is not yet there

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