Some people climb the mountains , but I go to the sea. Looking up the starry sky, freedom there must be.Baby,the rain must fall. Baby,the wind must blow. Whether my heart leads you, Baby,I must go.
Baby,I must go.
This song was written and sang by Captain Kurt 愛自彈自唱的Kurt船長
今天接到一封署名Nicole的來信,帶來一個悲傷的消息。她的父親Captain Kurt在昨日與世長辭,她帶家人傳訊息給父親世界各地認識的帆友,讓我今天著實難過了好久,決定再次寫下我在八重山號上和他相遇的故事,追憶這位熱情,幽默機智,才華洋溢且航行(cruising)經驗超過26年的老船長---Capitan Kurt.
Rodrigues 是一個火山作用所形成的小島,周圍有珊瑚礁島環繞,位於模里西斯東北方約560公里處,是一座以法語為主要溝通語言的純樸小島。
自印度洋上最美麗的熱帶天堂Chagos離開後,經過一星期的航行,終於在星期六清晨抵達Rodrigues的Port Mathurin,港口裡停泊著如一葉扁舟的傳統漁船外,另外有兩架帆船也停泊在港口內。
在港口附近發現一家當地人大排長龍的"Baguette"(French stick)法國麵包店,便宜又好吃,帶著溫熱的早餐準備回YAIMA上和船長以及Yuuki一起分享。
但YAIMA所停泊的位置離岸邊有一段距離,縱使碼頭上的我極力揮舞著雙手,甲板上忙進忙出的船長壓根兒沒看到我,就在此時停靠在碼頭上的Nicole號西班牙船長Captain Kurt和Elena邀請我上船和另一艘來自南非的Ocean spray一起享用熱茶,之後開dinghy送我回船上,前田船長看到我嚇一跳,這麼純樸的小島我也有便船可搭。
自那ㄧ天起,三艘船時常聚在一起分享航行經驗,還一同搭小巴環島,Captain Kurt26年的帆航經驗,給予大家許多航行上的建議,不但如此,唱歌,跳舞,寫書,說故事,下廚都一流的Captain Kurt,彈起吉他唱起自編的歌曲,果然很有魅力!難怪Elena這樣的美女也曾對他傾心啊!
Captain Kurt was from Yacht Nicole.Whenever you met him,he could tell you a lot of interesting stories and sang songs he made.He was a German but published a Spanish sailing book.He was really a versatile person.One day,a local young man asked us what was sailing like."When you go sailing,you have to set yourself free.You have a lot of time ,maybe not much money. You start to learn.You want to know more about people and care more about things happening around you.You make friends from all over the world.Your values change.If you are a racist,you definitely won't enjoy your sailing.In the nature,on the sea,you have to rely on yourself so you have to learn.You have to be open to the people,the place and everything."said Captain Kurt.
We respected him a lot.Captain Maeda always said "he is really the Captain of captains.Compared to his experience,I am just like a baby."
離開Rodrigues後,我們在Mauritius首都Port Louis港內再度相遇,這是條往馬達加斯加島必經的航行路徑,只是Captain Kurt準備沿著非洲大陸回航西班牙,回到自己經營的小酒館駐唱航海的故事,當晚四艘船一同聚集在Nicole號上,Captain Kurt和Elena煮了一桌西班牙高級料理,每一艘船各帶了一道拿手菜,當晚宛如Captain Kurt的個人演唱會,他彈著吉他一曲一曲唱出航行時,身處寬闊大地時,面對浩瀚大海時,遇到大風浪時,熱帶島嶼豔遇時的各種心情,那一晚連不喝酒的Yuuki都醉了!
2010年九月,Captain Kurt和Elena將船開回西班牙,家人一起到港邊接他,樂團在一旁吹奏著西班牙民謠,他再度開嗓,告別他28年的cruising life!今年初發現頭上長了一顆腦瘤,幾個月前動手術,Elena寫信給所有一路上認識的帆友,希望大家寫信給Captain Kurt,為他加油打氣,今天,我第一次收到Nicole的來信,卻是一封離別的信!Captain Kurt所帶給我的是,永遠要對生命熱情,對人生路上所遇見的人事物抱著開放的心,it's never too late to learn.Live the best of it!!!Captain Kurt,bon Voyage~
- Nov 25 Fri 2011 00:06
Le Capitan Kurt ,rest in peace.追憶Kurt 船長