

Prepare Cruising to south,600 miles, about six days sailing,Next Stop —- Port Townsend離開阿拉斯加,往東南航行,跳過加拿大,到Port Townsend,航前準備。


1.Check weather ( windyty, PocketGrib, coastal waters forecast)確認天氣


2.Clean the boat整理船skisal. Go shopping for fresh food and manage the food 採買新鮮食材與整理  

3.bleed the air from the watertank then get more water昨日已加滿的水箱,船長說要把水箱上他鑽的洞打開洩氣,這樣每個水箱可以再增加15L,四個水箱就有60 L

4.Take a HOT shower in Marina洗熱水澡一次七分鍾,1.5美元。

5.Pay Mooring fee付碼頭停泊費

6.Lunch Time 午餐  

7.Bread is ready.麵包出爐了。


Bye bye, Alaska!再見了,阿拉斯加!


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