四月的某一天,寒流來襲,天空飄著細雨,我與帆船的第一次親密接觸~記憶裡,只有冷颼颼三個字可以形容,就像今天的天氣一樣,令人不禁打了個冷颤…,我們與克桑和忠狗Brian相約一同到基隆與JOHAN Ⅱ展開第一次接觸,帆船入門第一課---洗船去啦!
夏天日本行前,雖然與克桑多次登上JOHANⅡ,但幾乎都是抱著觀光心態,真正的航行還是要親自動手摸索,才能知道箇中滋味呀!但也因此對於航海懷有浪漫的憧憬,毫不猶疑地(maybe just a little bit)加入”BAD IDEA”的日本航海行,也因此愛上徜徉大海的感覺,結識台灣一群可愛又熱情的帆友, JOHANⅡ對於我是個特別的存在。
Philippe因為工作調動的緣故,舉家搬遷到香港去,他們(克桑也是其中一員)計劃用3天的時間將JOHANⅡ航行到香港去,台灣帆友們為此辦了一場farewell party,預祝他們的香港行一路平安,我也去湊熱鬧,向JOHANⅡ和Philippe道別!

Farewell party上大家不分國籍、語言,互相交流,中文,英文,法文夾雜,十分熱鬧,套一句Pig大哥說的話”We are sailors. “---水手共通的語言是對大海的熱愛,它跨越不同的文化,拉近了彼此之間的距離,we all love the ocean and the "food"!

兩天後,JOHANⅡ在大家的祝福下航向香港,在海上遇上暴風雨,好厲害的東北季風,連BOOM都給它吹斷了~以下是來自克桑的報導: Chris said: The wind was blowing 40+ knots, gusting up to 50 occasionally, and almost directly behind us. All the force was AGAINST the boom, not ALONG it, and it snapped at about 8:30pm as we crossed the top of Taiwan. It was a bit annoying to have it break, and we had to pull the mainsail down in the dark and tidy everything up, but we continued with just the genoa overnight. In the morning we removed the boom completely and raised the trysail. (Stormsail.) That helped balance the boat and we continued all day at full speed in winds averaging 50 kts. I don't know the maximum because our wind gauge only works up to 60, and it passed that several times. Waves were 4-5 metres, coming both from astern and from the beam, so steering was very hard work. The waves would hurl the boat forward, or to one side or another, so you could find yourself going 50 degrees off course or powering forward at 14 knots. No real problems though, and I cooked an English breakfast for 8 people while underway too. On the Weds the sun came out and the wind dropped to about 25 knots. That was Philippe's birthday, so we drank a bottle of champagne to celebrate. Our new spinnacker was already destroyed (in the first hour of the trip) and we ripped the other two to pieces during that day. We also managed to trail a rope under the boat and wrap it around the propellor. We entered Hong Kong Harbour before dawn using our only sail, and after we crossed the finish line I had to dive under the boat and clear the rope so we could start the engine. Not much fun in the dark in such a busy place, but no real problem. We tied up at the RHKYC around 7am, and Flo was waiting for us with more champagne.
By 9am I was on the way to the airport with Ahmet, the Turkish guy. We went home early to catch up on sleep.

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