"Do you know Seki san? He is the Captain of Yacht Polaire.He is from Tokyo." when Birgit asked us if we knew this Japanese Captain,I couldn't help wondering who he was.People asked us about him along the way.He seemed to stay in all the islands we had been to.Who is Seki san?
"你們認識關秀先生嗎?他來自東京!一個人航行,船名叫Poliare!"當Birgit問我們是否認識關秀先生時,我心中不禁納悶"這關先生到底是何方人物,為何一路上不斷有人提起他的名字?"單人航行世界?一個有著瘋狂浪漫情懷的水手? Yuuki met Birgit in the library.At that time,Birgit was doing her research in the library.They had a nice chat.Birgit was excited to see the SECOND Japanese yacht and was curious about Yaima's journey.Yuuki invited Birgit to come on board and had an interview with our funny Captain Hiro. Brigit has a blog about wonderful stories on Rodrigues in French and English .She shared the stories of every sailboat which visited Rodrigues.Birgit is a German.She has lived in Rodrigues for many years.She is a teacher who teaches English,French and Dutch and also a volunteer for helping battered women and children in Mauritius. Captain was so happy that we got a local friend.Birgit gave us a lot of information about local life."In June,many sailboats came to Rodrigues due to the pirate problem near Seychelles.There were so many sailboats in the harbor so that they even came up with a sailing race idea.Those cruisers held a sailing race and many local fishermen joined the sailing race,too.It was fun.There was one yacht from Japan called Polaire.The Captain is Seki san.He is from Tokyo.Do you know him?"asked Birgit.
"Not yet!We heard of him when we were in Chagos.Sounded like we had similar sailing route.Hope we can meet him someday."said Captain Hiro.I remembered when we were in Chagos,the Canadian couple came by one day,they asked us about Seki san.He sailed around the world single-handed.Sail around the world single-handed!!!It's a tough challenge.WHO IS SEKI SAN?Is he a crazy Japanese sailor? Believe it or not.As soon as we sailed into our next stop ,Port Louis of Mauritius,we saw a Japanese flag flapping in the breeze on a big yacht.There was a man waving his hands passionately to us on the deck.He was Seki san!We finally met in Mauritius.What a small world!

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