
Mauritius is an island nation off the coast of the African continent in the southwest Indian Ocean.It is renowned for having been the only known home of the dodo. The dodo became extinct in the late of the 17th century.
模里西斯位於非洲大陸的西南方,離馬達加斯加島約900公里左右,和Rodrigues一樣是數百萬年前海底火山噴發時所形成,這座島以多多鳥的故鄉聞名於世(小說愛麗絲夢遊仙境裡就有一位多多鳥先生),原以為是17世紀歐洲人進駐後,把牠們捉光了,據說是因為隨歐洲人來的許多不同物種,造成多多鳥生存環境的改變,不到一世紀,多多鳥完全消失在地球上,一隻不剩! After saying goodbye to our friends ,we left Rodrigues in the morning on August 7th.We got irregular winds with huge waves all along the way for two days.Then we saw the mountains,the beaches with a lot of people kite-surfed on the sea.It was Mauritius!One kite-sufer even surfed by to say hello.Then suddenly Captain Hiro pointed to the sea and yelled out "Whales!".There was a whale family playing and spraying water into the sky just ahead of Yaima.We tried to sail closer,but they swam faster and soon disappeared from our sight.I just stood sliently on the bow with a BIG smile on my face.That was my first time to see whales dancing in the waves.
告別在Rodrigues結識的友人,Yaima號繼續往下一站---模里西斯前進!連續兩天的大浪與不停轉變風向的風,讓我有點暈,船長說"這種風就像女人一樣讓人捉摸不定",我聽了笑笑,"女人不難懂,就像操帆一樣,只要用對方法,就可以駕風而行呀!當然,如果你誤闖她的地雷區,她也是會罷工,讓你進入無風區冷靜冷靜!",說著說著,不遠的海平面隱約可以看見模里西斯島上高低起伏的暗綠色稜線,越來越近!小雨過後,隱約可見一道彩虹掛在Port Louis的天空,我們抵達Mauritius!

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