At the end of January,we crossed the Equator.It was a sunny morning.We were near the north coastline of Brazil.We drank beer for celebration this time.Max was so excited because of...the cold beer.He sipped his beer slowly with a satisfying smile."Oh,I miss this taste!" he said.
上一次穿越赤道,是半年前在印度洋上,從北半球的夏天進入南半球的冬天,這一次,是在大西洋上,從南半球的夏天進入北半球的冬天,由於航行的範圍都不出熱帶地區,所以氣溫感覺上沒有太大的差別。在海上,以前的水手是以星星的位置與海圖來推算船的位置,現在除了海圖,Goolge Earth再加上GPS,很容易就可以找到我們位於地球的哪一個點上。這是我第二次穿越赤道,這次輪到Max製作看板,他興奮的塗塗寫寫,從南半球畫到北半球!大家喝啤酒慶祝,平常只喝可樂的Yuuki與Max也人手一罐啤酒,Max可樂著了!因為航行時,船長是不准他喝酒的,他把啤酒喝得精光,一滴不剩還一邊嘟嚷著"這啤酒的滋味真令人懷念!"
We got a big fish later that day.Yuuki cutted it into many pieces.He learned how to cut fish from Captain Hiro.
Yuuki cutted the fish into many pieces.It was a big fish.Every one had to come up with some ideas for cooking this fish.Yuuki made sashimi for dinner for us.It was tasty.Yuuki was really a good cook on Yaima.
I read the cooking book and made dry fish step by step.After soaking the fish in the seawater for an hour,I put the salty fish on the deck.It was shining under the sun.I was wandering how would it tast like.It must taste good!Unfortunately,we lost it in big waves two days later.
- Mar 28 Sun 2010 21:15
Cross the Equator 穿越赤道