在夏威夷最常聽到的一句話就是〞Aloha",它有著多重的意義,用來表達情感,熱情,愛,寬容和關懷,在打招呼與告別時都會來上一句"Aloha!",在夏威夷語中,〞Alo〞代表分享,〞oha"意義是喜樂,"ha"指的是人吐出的氣,"Aloha"表達了說話者的情感與祝福,也可以當動詞使用喔!"I aloha you!"遇見心儀的人可以這樣對他/她說。 那麼Alohasspirit阿囉哈精神是啥東東呢?它指的是對身旁周遭的人要不吝惜分享你的情感與關懷,尊重個人不同的人格特質,即使是身處困境,面對令人挫折的人事物也不要忘記你的分享你的〞愛與熱情〞,帶著它勇敢地邁向自己的目標,美好的事會在不知覺中來到。哇!這可不是一件簡單的事,嗯!要學習展露我的熱情,A~L~O~H~A!Can you feel my "aloha" today? HA!

Aloha in the Hawaiian language means affection, love, compassion, mercy, goodbye, and hello, among other sentiments of a similar nature. It is used especially in Hawai'i as a greeting meaning hello and goodbye. Variations occur based on circumstances when used as a salutation. "Aloha kakahiaka" is the phrase for good morning. "Aloha auinala" is the phrase for good afternoon. "Aloha ahiahi" is the phrase for good evening. "Aloha kakou" is a common form of welcome to all.
"Mahalo" is a related term used for saying "thank you" and "you're welcome."
The Aloha Spirit is a well known reference to the attitude of friendly acceptance for which the Hawaiian Islands are so famous. However, it also refers to a powerful way to resolve any problem, accomplish any goal, and also to achieve any state of mind or body that you desire.
In the Hawaiian language, aloha stands for much more than hello or goodbye or love.


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